Hay fever, commonly known as allergic rhinitis, refers to a group of symptoms that result from the body’s reaction to elements such as pollen, dust, cold, and others. It can be episodic, although a small group of people suffer from it all year round.
Although symptoms can vary from person to person, the most common symptoms are sneezing, nasal congestion, and itchy skin. It also causes watery eyes, an itchy throat, and postnasal drip.
1. Weleda Hayfever Relief Spray
Simple ideas are often the best. That is why Weleda Hayfever Relief Spray contains only extracts of quince and lemon.
Plus, table salt to standardize nasal spray plus water. This is enough to significantly reduce hay fever symptoms.
By the way, your organism is happy with simple and natural ingredients. Because the immune system has enough to do in times of hay fever anyway.
And the mucous membranes frequently used in Weleda Hayfever Relief Spray are not overburdened thanks to the lack of purely natural ingredients.
The lemon holds what belongs together
Take a bite of a lemon. Your entire body will shrink once your taste buds see lemonade. Lemon has a similar effect on hay fever. Citric acid holds what belongs together.
Quince supports the nasal mucosa
The nasal mucous membranes need special support because they are the gateway to pollen and other allergens. The better the immune function of the mucous membranes, the less the body will react to unpleasant symptoms of hay fever.
Quince extract supports the mucous membranes and makes them more resistant to allergens.
2. Honey
This food offered to us by bees has many health benefits, in addition to being an alternative to sugar, a product that is harmful to health.
It is characteristic, for example, that it has been indicated by specialized medical publications as a possible treatment for cold and cough symptoms.
In addition to being a very delicacy and recommended food for allergies, there are many published researches that confirm asthma and immunity that its effects in this regard have not been proven.
It should be noted, however, that recent research suggests that it can be useful in combating these problems.
In any case, it is necessary to know that honey cannot be given to children, as this may cause food poisoning in infants.
3. Green Tea
This miraculous drink has a lot of benefits, at least we should drink green tea every day.
In this case, this infusion blocks the production of histamine, thereby reducing the symptoms of hay fever. This is confirmed by a study in the Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry.
We can drink two kinds of green tea every day. It is generally recommended to always take them separately from meals, so as not to impede the absorption of other nutrients.
4. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is commonly used in cases of hay fever. In addition to the traditional uses for skin lesions, aloe vera may be useful in treating hay fever.
This plant is becoming more and more popular thanks to its many health and beauty properties. Externally, it soothes and moisturizes the skin without making it greasy while it heals. Internally, it shrinks and relieves nasal congestion and also helps improve bowel function.